Acupuncture is one of the most powerful tools in alternative medicine. Used for its many health benefits, acupuncture therapy is considered safe and effective when

Food Sensitivity Elimination Therapies
Many people live with allergies to foods and substances that trigger immune reactions within the body. An allergen can induce a reaction through various forms

Child Checkups
Children grow rapidly, requiring periodic check-ups to oversee developmental progress and identify any underlying health complications that may be present. Parents may request pediatric check-ups,

Chronic Sinus/Respiratory Health Program
Sinus and respiratory problems can be debilitating – especially when they are a chronic problem. Traditional medicine has deemed chronic sinus and respiratory health problems

Comprehensive Gastro-Intestinal Health Program
The gastrointestinal system is a complex set of organs responsible for digestion, nutritional absorption, and waste elimination. Symptoms of gastrointestinal disease or inflammation are hard

Comprehensive Lifestyle and Nutritional Counseling
At our office, we believe in treating the whole person – not just a disease. Preventative care is a foundational part of our practice. We

Craniosacral Work
Craniosacral work is a form of massage and bodywork designed to balance the position of bones in the head, spinal column, and sacrum. Though these

Detox and Weight Loss
Every year, millions of people across the U.S. decide to make a New Year’s weight loss resolution. Despite their good intentions to lose weight and

Detoxification Therapies
Our bodies are exposed to toxins every day. There are chemicals everywhere – our foods, beauty products, and even in the environment. In fact, humans

Heart Math
Heart Math is a combination of evidence-based technology and techniques designed to help people manage stress and prevent negative physical responses to it. It is

Male and Female Hormone Balance
Hormones are a major foundation of the cellular functions inside the body. Though unseen and often overlooked, hormones must maintain a careful balance to avoid

Neurofeedback, also known as neurointegration, provides information about the functions of the brain. The process uses EEG technology to read information about abnormal activity in

Nutrition is a process by which our bodies obtain, store, and use food for our health, growth, and development. Everyone can benefit from good nutrition,

Nutritional and Herbal Therapies
Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids are the building blocks of our bodies. They facilitate biological processes and support the overall health of the body’s

Sports Performance Consultations
Athletes put their bodies through a lot of stress and conditioning in order to maximize physical output. In order to operate at peak performance, athletes

Thyroid/Adrenal/Hormonal Therapies
Hormonal imbalances are among the most commonly undiagnosed conditions in the U.S. Millions of men and women experience the daily ups and downs of imbalanced

Thyroid Function
Thyroid disorders are of major concern in the U.S., primarily because many cases go undiagnosed and untreated. The thyroid gland, which is located in the